Bull Shark Jaw w/DATA
Old jaw from the early days of Gordon Hubbell collection.
Prepared by Dr. Gordon Hubbell
The bull shark (Carcharhinus leucas) is a species of shark known for its aggressive behavior and adaptability to both saltwater and freshwater environments. Here are some key characteristics of bull sharks:
Appearance: Bull sharks have a stout and muscular body with a short, blunt snout. They are typically gray on top and white underneath, which helps them blend in with the surrounding water.
Size: Adult bull sharks usually reach a length of 7 to 11 feet (2 to 3.4 meters), although larger individuals have been recorded. They are considered one of the larger species of sharks.
Habitat: Bull sharks are highly versatile and can be found in a wide range of habitats, including coastal waters, estuaries, and rivers. They are known for their ability to tolerate freshwater and are often found in brackish or even freshwater environments.
Behavior: Bull sharks are known for their aggressive nature and are considered one of the more dangerous shark species to humans. They are opportunistic feeders and consume a variety of prey, including fish, dolphins, and other sharks.
Reproduction: The reproduction of bull sharks involves viviparity, where the embryos develop inside the mother's body. Female bull sharks give birth to live pups, and a litter can consist of 1 to 13 pups.
Range: Bull sharks are found in tropical and subtropical waters around the world. They are commonly found in the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans.
Adaptability: One notable feature of bull sharks is their ability to swim in freshwater. They can travel far up rivers and have been known to inhabit freshwater lakes. This adaptability sets them apart from many other shark species.
Due to their presence in both saltwater and freshwater environments, bull sharks are sometimes encountered in areas where other shark species might not be found. This, combined with their aggressive behavior, contributes to their reputation as potentially dangerous to humans.
Carcharhinus leucas
16"x 15.5"
Shark Data
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