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Pyrite Suns

Check out these fascinating wonders known as pyrite suns!  Pyrite suns are disk-shaped mineral formations made primarily of pyrite, often resembling a sunburst. They are uniquely found embedded within narrow seams of slate in coal mines. These natural marvels form over millions of years under great pressure, where the pyrite crystallizes in a radial pattern. They are mostly discovered in Sparta, Illinois. The Sparta area, part of the Illinois Basin, has optimal geological conditions for the formation of pyrite suns, making it one of the few locations in the world where they can be found.

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Pyrite Sun in Original Slate Miner's DollarPyrite Sun in Original Slate Miner's Dollar
Large Pyrite Sun in Original SlateLarge Pyrite Sun in Original Slate
Large Pyrite Sun in Original SlateLarge Pyrite Sun in Original Slate
XLarge Pyrite Sun in Original SlateXLarge Pyrite Sun in Original Slate
Pyrite SunPyrite Sun
Pyrite Sun in MatrixPyrite Sun in Original Slate