12" Edmontosaurus Tendons, Teeth, and Bones in Sandstone Matrix- Wyoming
This 12" wide piece of sandstone matrix holds a mixture of ossified tendons, dinosaur bones, turtle shell, and four Edmontosaurus teeth, one of which is measuring about 1.09 inches long. All the fossils have been preserved in their original positions within the rock. The specimen was collected from the Lance Formation in Wyoming, and the tendons, teeth, and bones are most likely from the hadrosaur Edmontosaurus annectens.
The Lance Formation in Wyoming, a geological formation from the Late Cretaceous period, is known for its rich fossil content, including the remains of hadrosaurs, a group of duck-billed dinosaurs. Among the most intriguing discoveries from this region are the fossilized tendons of these hadrosaurs, which offer unique insights into the anatomy and physiology of these prehistoric creatures.
Characteristics of Fossilized Tendons: Fossilized tendons in hadrosaurs are primarily ossified tendons, which means they have undergone a process of mineralization, turning them into stone. These tendons are typically found along the spine and tail of the dinosaur. In life, these tendons would have provided support and stability to the animal's body, especially important for large, bipedal or quadrupedal creatures like hadrosaurs.
Edmontosaurus annectens.
late Cretaceous
12"x 7.5"
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